A Black Lab is treated to a delightful “pup cup” and enthusiastically devours the entire treat, savoring every moment of the sweet indulgence.

Going out and getting a treat is exciting. Sometimes we like to go out for coffee, ice cream, or even cake and cookies! Whatever it is, getting a treat is usually a good time and that’s true for humans as well as animals!

Whenever I go out for coffee, I make sure to get my dog a “pup cup” or a “puppuccino” (aka, a little cup of whipped cream). It’s one of his favorite things and he’s certainly not alone.

Many dogs love pup cups, but it seems that a black labrador from Ferndale, Washington is more excited about them than most!

In an adorable clip shared by ViralHog, Dakota can be seen eagerly waiting in the car while a pup cup with added doggie treats is handed his way.

He’s so excited he can barely handle it and he sucks the whole thing into his mouth – cup and all!

The person handing him the cup quickly pulled it out of his mouth while everyone burst into laughter.

While most of the whipped cream and treats were gone, Dakota was offered the last of his pup cup and the last dog bone. Some people savor their goodies and make them last as long as possible, but not Dakota!

The owner shared with ViralHog: “Dakota (our black lab) loves going through our local coffee shop line to get his weekly ‘pup cup’ treat. He was a little too excited and ended up sucking the whole cup in!”