The Golden Lab was completely transformed after frolicking in the mud.

A sweet pup from Australia is taking the internet by storm thanks to his passionate love for the mud.

As a dog owner, there’s something special about watching my pup play freely in the yard. He loves to run and sprint off-leash, but there’s one thing that really makes me second-guess letting him go free and that’s mud.

I know if I get my dog run freely, he’ll do everything in his power to find the wettest, muddiest spot in the yard to plop down in. It’s like he can’t help it.

Otis the golden labrador retriever lives with his family in Tuggeranong, A.C.T., Australia, and he also loves to play in the mud. In fact, while he’s technically a golden lab, after his spat with the mud, he’s more like a chocolate lab!

A video captured Otis rolling around the brown stuff and it’s nothing short of glorious. It’s clear that Otis is in puppy heaven as he bathes in the mud that’s covering the ground.

According to ViralHog, Otis found the mud to play in at the Tuggeranong dog park.

While bath time will certainly be nightmare, it’s all worth it to see the joy that Otis has in life.

Check out the hilarious video below: